Freitag, 26.04.2024 01:22 Uhr

Health & Tumors

Verantwortlicher Autor: Parisi Federica EN, 06.06.2020, 16:48 Uhr
Fachartikel: +++ Special interest +++ Bericht 10217x gelesen
Biologist Maira Di Tano author of an important discovery for the treatment of the most aggressive tumors
Biologist Maira Di Tano author of an important discovery for the treatment of the most aggressive tumors  Bild: Giorgio Esposito

EN [ENA] The recent scientific chronicle has brought out the doctor Maira Di Tano, an Apulian from Brindisi but now transplanted to Lombardy. The young Italian researcher at the "Institute of Molecular Oncology" in Milan, is the promoter of a study that has opened new frontiers in the treatment of tumors.

Health has never been the center of debates and discussions as in this period. The coronavirus then subordinated all the other diseases, in spite of this Cancer still remains the evil of the century and an always current topic. And right behind the health workers who have been in the trenches in these dramatic months, there are many other lab coats, such as Biologists and Biotechnologists, almost always behind the scenes but which play a fundamental role in the treatment of diseases by dealing with the precious "Research". Between these,the recent scientific chronicle has brought out the doctor Maira Di Tano, an Apulian from Brindisi but now transplanted to Lombardy.

The young Italian researcher at the "Institute of Molecular Oncology" in Milan, is the promoter of a study that has opened new frontiers in the treatment of tumors and in particular as regards the "synergistic action of the" Fasting Mima Diet "(DMD) and vitamin C in the regression of tumors that present a mutation in the KRAS gene ". A study so important as to be published in a high impact factor scientific publication, " Nature Communications ", which sees it cited as the first name. A research that we summarize together with the scientist in the exclusive interview.

Maira Di Tano is a stubborn young woman with clear ideas. Since high school she discovers her passion for biology and genetics which will then direct her towards scientific studies and in particular onvological research. Subsequently he obtained a master's degree in "Molecular Biology and Genetics" with full marks at the University of Pavia. He continued his academic career with the "Research Doctorate" at SEMM (European School of Molecular Medicine) and followed by winning a "Post Doctoral Fellowship "at one of the major Italian research centers for cancer treatment" l 'FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology "in Milan in the laboratory of Professor Valter Longo.

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